Props to Adscam proprietor G. Parker for calling attention to this website* for Dutch department store Hema. The product page is very cleverly done, almost a TV commercial in and of itself.
Now granted the site isn't particularly functional (you can't actually buy anything) but that seems more a matter of not having the back end up to speed rather than a conscious decision to avoid e-commerce: it's not hard to imagine the site working as is, only with hardcore functionality added on.
This is the sort of "always on" branding more companies should be doing, where even mundane things like e-commerce sites and store receipts are branded. It adds value to the brand because it makes the consumer feel cared about--someone thought it was worth it to do something this clever for me, the customer.
Nice job.
UPDATE: AdBroad had called this site out about 3 weeks ago. That's what I get for not clicking through ;)
*Wait a few seconds for the page to load - you'll see what I'm talking about.
@Ad Broad-- acknowledged. My bad.
Amazing what the decriminalisation of drugs can do for a nation's creativity...
actually a friend of mine in amsterdam was telling me that it's an all-too accurate representation of this store. ie, it's a shambolic mess
actually a friend of mine in amsterdam was telling me that it's an all-too accurate representation of this store. ie, it's a shambolic mess
-That's funny
I work in 'interactive' and Iit's amazing which companies are dumping money into the internet and which aren't. There's definitely a ton of potential and many companies could make great strides in this area. But it seems like everyone is way more reluctant than the media would have you believe.
I feel like it's for the same reason as what happened to record labels. People don't understand interactive and fear it will hurt them, so they work around it. Companies like AKQA will be seeing much of the work where old school media might lose out.
Thanks, Toad. You're a prince.
ross c.
no. what i meant was what my friend said. hema's a rather disorganized store apparently. that's all. no big point about the media. it was kind of a joke.
it's a good site. i get it. i've actually got interactive awards.
hold you powder sire!
ross c.
just realized i completely misinterpreted you. sorry. you are entirely correct and i am entirely wrong.
it is like the record companies. great analogy.
and if you are truly innovating in this area, it probably won't be lauded by the ad community. what do they know?
...which renders my interactive awards useless.
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